Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekly Update - 17 Weeks

Size of Baby: An onion (that seems so big)...according to The Bump, baby is about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am not sure how long I will own up to this survey questions, but as of right now, I am up 11 lbs. I almost wish I had had some nausea in the first trimester to loose some weight (haha). I am, of course, kidding!

Maternity Clothes: I have a couple pairs of maternity jeans, 1 pair of work pants, and a few shirts, but I still wear most of my normal work pants and shirts with the belle band. I am trying to find some time to get some more work pants... It's about to be a problem :)

Gender: We scheduled the big anatomy scan for Nov 15th! I think I am leaning towards boy, but, of course, all I really want is a happy healthy baby!

Movement: I can't wait to feel this little one move. How reassuring it will be to know the baby is happy and healthy inside the womb.... Oh well, I am sure it will still be a few more weeks.

Sleep: I sleep like a rock and so does the hubby. In fact, we have actually slept through tornadoes. I am sure it will change and I will miss these long nights of uniterrupted bliss :)

  What I miss: Usually, I don't miss partying with the crew. However, because we have had so many people to the Murphree Hotel this football season, I have started to miss staying up late and drinking like a fish :). I also just miss having the energy to hang out in Tuscaloosa all day!

What I am looking forward to: Registering for this little one and finding out if it's a boy or girl!

Cravings/Aversions: I don't really have any aversions that I didn't have before I was pregnant. As far as cravings, I would be happy eating mac and cheese everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Symptoms: My husband would say that I am moodier than normal and I can certainly say I have less energy (not sure when the second trimester energy amps back up), but my number one concern is headaches. They are frequent and strong......

Best Moment This Week: Cleaning out the nursery and finally seeing that there will be a place for baby. It was quite the task getting two closets and two desks consolidated down to one desk and closet. It feels so good seeing that empty room......

Weekly Wisdom: Let some things go!!! This is advice to myself, from myself. I really need to learn to let the dishes pile up on occasion and stop trying to be super woman. I have taken this advice this week and finally gone to bed early and I am all the better for it. If you are expecting, keep in mind that if you do nothing in a day accept grow a baby.... it was still a pretty productive day!


Here is my Belly:



AND..... Here is the Baby @ 12 weeks (we didn't get an ultrasound at 16 weeks):

So now I am off to enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

14 Weeks

Well, as of yesterday, we are 14 weeks into this pregnancy. I am so excited because it marks the SECOND trimester! I haven't had too many symptoms, but I am still excited to be a few weeks closer to meeting this little one. We have another doctor's appointment in a couple weeks, but won't find out the gender for another month or so. But that's okay..... I kind of like the mystery :).

A couple weeks ago (12 weeks) we had our NT scan and baby was very cooperative. The test showed normal, and although it isn't 100%, I still feel relieved. I guess there is so much unknown during a pregnancy, that it is nice to have a little reassurance.

Also, I will post some pictures and fill out a pregnancy questionaire later this week or weekend so you guys can see who we have fallen in love with!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today, we are 10 weeks and counting. I am beyond excited about the journey we are on, but I am ready for the second trimester. I am tired of being tired and nauseous. It's weird. I went the first 8 weeks of this pregnancy without any symptoms except being tired. Then, a week ago it hit me. I actually started throwing up and am nauseous for the better part of the day. I certainly don't mind the symptoms and am glad to be experiencing them, but I am ready for the second trimester. Oh well.... only a few more weeks.

In the non-pregnant news, I am super excited for the weekend. We are heading to Atlanta, GA to see Wicked. My parents and sister live in Atlanta, and we will all be going together on Saturday. Our parents got us tickets months ago and I have been looking forward to it for awhile. It will also be the first time everyone has gotten together since the big news, so I know it will be a blast!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and next week I will start the weekly pregnancy updates and might have a picture or two :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

About Me

I have always wanted to start a blog, but could never really get motivated to actually start one. I just felt like there wasn't really enough going on in my life that was very exciting. Who would want to read about what I made for dinner last night? Then I started to realize, I love reading blogs, and maybe this would be a good way for my family (spread out all over the US) to follow my life as a wife AND mother. I also wanted a way to remember my first pregnancy. I used to love to scrapbook, but still have piles of stuff from college that is waiting to find a home. I have finally come to the realization that I am NOT a scrapbooker... but hopefully I can be a blogger?! Thanks for coming along on this wild ride and I hope to have some laughs along the way.