Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today, we are 10 weeks and counting. I am beyond excited about the journey we are on, but I am ready for the second trimester. I am tired of being tired and nauseous. It's weird. I went the first 8 weeks of this pregnancy without any symptoms except being tired. Then, a week ago it hit me. I actually started throwing up and am nauseous for the better part of the day. I certainly don't mind the symptoms and am glad to be experiencing them, but I am ready for the second trimester. Oh well.... only a few more weeks.

In the non-pregnant news, I am super excited for the weekend. We are heading to Atlanta, GA to see Wicked. My parents and sister live in Atlanta, and we will all be going together on Saturday. Our parents got us tickets months ago and I have been looking forward to it for awhile. It will also be the first time everyone has gotten together since the big news, so I know it will be a blast!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and next week I will start the weekly pregnancy updates and might have a picture or two :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

About Me

I have always wanted to start a blog, but could never really get motivated to actually start one. I just felt like there wasn't really enough going on in my life that was very exciting. Who would want to read about what I made for dinner last night? Then I started to realize, I love reading blogs, and maybe this would be a good way for my family (spread out all over the US) to follow my life as a wife AND mother. I also wanted a way to remember my first pregnancy. I used to love to scrapbook, but still have piles of stuff from college that is waiting to find a home. I have finally come to the realization that I am NOT a scrapbooker... but hopefully I can be a blogger?! Thanks for coming along on this wild ride and I hope to have some laughs along the way.