Thursday, March 29, 2012

38 Weeks

We have been so busy getting ready for our precious new addition. We have been showered with beautiful things 3 TIMES! We feel so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family during this special time in our family's life. We have gotten almost everything we need for the nursery including the things not purchased on our registry, which we picked up last weekend. We have also finished the nursery and cleaned the house. This weekend is reserved for relaxing and finishing up a few last minute things (like mowing) that we would like to get done in case Kaitlyn decides to come early... I suppose I also need to pack that hospital bag too (haha). I think I am still in denial that she will be here in just a couple short weeks. We are so excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. I am just ready to see what this next phase in our lives will be like. And now for the baby update:


Here is a picture of me at 38.5 weeks:

Size of Baby: A WATERMELON?! (that is huge)... We had an ultrasound last Thursday to check the position of baby Kaitlyn and learned she is in the 76 percentile for her size. She was already 7 lbs 5 ounces and is expected to grow another 1/2lb a week until we deliver. I guess here is to big babies?

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am still holding around 27lbs weight gain. I am pretty happy with that considering we are so close to the end!

Maternity Clothes:  I can only wear maternity right now. I still only have one pair of work pants that are maternity so it is getting a little interesting. I wear them several days a week, but I have also added leggings and dresses to my work attire. My other problem is the weather. I have obviously not really purchased any warm weather clothes because it was winter when I started my maternity wardrobe, and now I am too far along to justify buying anything else, so I guess we are just hoping she makes her appearance soon :).

Gender: BABY GIRL - Kaitlyn Louise Murphree

Movement:  She still isn't very active, but certainly lets her momma know on a daily basis that she is there :). She gets the hiccups several times a day, so that is always fun to watch. 

Sleep: I still sleep pretty well, as long as I can manage the itching (see below)...

  What I miss: A few weeks ago, my feet started to itch. I thought it was the same psoriasis type thing I get on my fingers. Evidently not, and I was feeding a fungus?! Yeah, it sucks to be 9 months pregnant and have a rash/really itchy bumps all over my feet. It keeps me up at night and is miserable. I have been to a dermatologist, but I am beginning to wonder if it will ever go away. So, I guess I miss pedicures and normal feet that are itch free. Well that and green beer on Saint Patty's day :).

What I am looking forward to: I am starting to get to that point when I am looking forward to being normal again. I am super excited to be pregnant and wouldn't change anything, but I am ready to meet her and be able to see my feet. I'm ready to wake up refreshed (though I know that won't happen for months), not have any back pain, and get my body back!

Cravings/Aversions: I definitely crave anything sweet and anything cheesy. I still love mac and cheese and grilled cheeses :)  

Symptoms: Although we have been relatively symptom free, there are some unavoidable symptoms you get at the end. I am generally uncomfortable, and ready for my body back. I am also very tired of two special feet that are still crammed in my ribs. It hurts and I will be VERY excited when she drops into the birth canal and out of my ribs. There is also the obvious back pain and swelling that comes with the territory.

Best Moment This Week/Month: Going to our doctor's appointment and learning Kaitlyn is head down and facing the right direction (we were afraid she was breech). She is a little big, but those are just estimates. We also learned I am 1.5cm dilated and 75 % effaced. So basically, we are on track with our healthy baby girl and that is great news! Our third anniversary was also this week. We both took the day off and enjoyed eachother's company. I am also super excited about my new necklace Wes gave me to commemerate baby Kaitlyn's debute.

Weekly Wisdom: You can only control that which you can control. Do your research and know what you are up against, but don't freak out. You are in good hands and nature already knows what to do.... Sit back and let it happen.

Here are some of our maternity pictures from 36 weeks......

So I guess that about sums it up for now. Kaitlyn is still cooking and we will let everyone know when she gets here!
